Different Types of Tactile Paving

Tactile paving has changed and improved over the years. Along with these improvements have come different types. There are now other materials and different surfaces of tactile paving. Each one is used to send a different message.  

Attention patterns are intended to draw attention to the area in front of the person. These patterns are created with blisters, which are domes that are 6mm high off the ground. The blisters are typically in a square design. The blisters indicates that the curb is about to end and drop off. Offset attention patterns are similar to the grid pattern, except the blisters are positioned in a staggered design. It usually means there is a large hole or chase. Offset attention patterns are often used at train stations. Blisters can be found made out of stone or metal. Stone blisters are more expensive than metal. Metal blisters are also used because they prevent skateboarders, scooters, and other wheel based equipment that teens like to ride. 

Guiding or hazard warning patterns have lines that are rounded and similar to rods. Designers create guiding patterns with continuous rods that are sometimes are only half-rod length. The rods are raised about 6mm off the road surface. The guiding rods indicate there is a trip hazard ahead. These rods are typically found at the top and bottom of the steps. The rod pattern placement happens in one of two ways. The rods are either along the path or across the path. If the rods position is across the path, it means there is a trip hazard ahead of you. If the rod position is along the path, it means that it is a safe place to walk. 

Cycleway paving has flat bars that are continuous. These bars indicate there is a lane for cyclists. The flat bars are parallel to the direction in which you are supposed to travel. The parallel placement is so that the lines do not interfere with cyclists. These patterns are also used to indicate an area where pedestrians can walk. 

The designers use the lozenge pattern to indicate the safest direction for visually impaired pedestrians to travel. This pattern can also alert a pedestrian that there is a fast moving vehicle, such as a train, up ahead. These tiles have flat bars that are raised with rounded ends. Therefore, they look like lozenge shaped bars. The flat bars are also evenly spaced. 

If you are interested in tactile paving installation, you should contact the professionals.